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We offer full service, custom built, remote monitoring buoys with customised sensor payloads to suit a range of waters and applications. A remote monitoring buoy takes away the field component of your monitoring program and gives you extensive data sets relating to your chosen parameters. It also links to and gives you access to a remote monitoring platform powered by LakeTech, inc, custom built by lake managers. We take care of everything - buoy, sensor payloads, deployment, maintenance, online monitoring platform, recovery and provide you with access to the online monitoring platform. Give your team more time on other aspects of the project, while collecting more extensive data sets than traditional spot and grab sampling workflows.



Custom built by completewaters in house, we integrate remote telemetry hardware and sensors to buoy and anchor hardware to provide a robust physical platform for collecting water quality parameter data. An ideal solution for any natural water, pond or lagoon where typical water quality monitoring takes place. The Buoy is maintained all by us, included in the pricing of the service. Fully customisable to suit your needs with custom deployment durations.



Fully customisable sensor payloads to suit your monitoring program. Choose up to three sensors per Buoy which can be

set at any depth of choice in the water column or up to five parameters set at a fixed depth.

Parameters available include: Temperature, Temp/Conductivity, DO, Chloride, pH/ORP, Turbidity, Nitrate, Blue Green Algae, Chlorophyll.

Sensor ping rates can also be modified to suit your needs.



An intuitive remote online platform that has been designed by lake managers, from the inside out. Purpose built for ease of use and clear data visualisations, giving you and your team 24/7 access to your water quality data.

View and export data at any time and add local weather networks to the same platform for

comparisons in water quality parameters and weather events. A widget based visual platform,

allowing you to zoom in and out of singular sensors during certain times, days and weeks as

well as graph overlays of all sensor data to show characteristics between the sensor data.



The Buoy service includes buoy deployment on the water, a monthly maintenance/site visit

for general checks and retrieval at the end of the project. Images of the buoy in location,

spot checks and onsite readings can all be uploaded and recorded onto the remote

monitoring platform. Field staff onsite — no problems, they can also upload data to

the platform.



As an add on feature, we can sonar image the area of the buoy to be processed by the BioBase software, allowing us to integrate bathymetry, bottom hardness and aquatic vegetation mapping into the platforms workflow. Set one of these satellite based images on your platform for added visual data.

Image courtesy of
    LakeTech, inc.
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